DIL Studio Приложения

Chicken Recipes 5.06
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free chicken recipes: baked chicken, easychicken soup recipes, grill chicken recipes, homemade chickencasserole recipes, chicken with vegetables and fruits recipes,chicken recipes in the Crock pot and other cooking chicken recipes!Recipe app works offline. All chicken recipes with photo and simpledetailed instructions. You can choose your liked recipes and keepin your favorites. You also can make a shopping list. Add thedesired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list. Inthis application you can share your own delicious recipes and youcan leave feedback about other recipes! The application does notrequire the Internet and your favorite recipes will always be withyou, even when you have no network on your device! All chickenrecipes are divided into the categories for easy use. Theapplication has simple search. You can search recipes by the nameor ingredients. Easy recipes using ingredients you already have inthe kitchen. The majority of recipes we offer can be both preparedand cooked in 30 minutes or less, from start to finish. We offer toyou lot recipes of: • Different easy chicken recipes: chicken formain dishes, a lot tasty recipes of chicken legs and chicken wings,traditional chicken grilled recipes, baked chicken breast recipes,various types of baked chicken with berries and vegetables, OvenChicken Breast, Basil and Ricotta Stuffed Chicken Breast, HealthyLemon Chicken Breast, Easy Peasy, Chicken Spaghetti, ChickenCrescent Roll Casserole, Beer Chicken in the Crock Pot; • A lot ofsalad recipes with chicken: different cooking recipes of saladCaesar, salads with boiled chicken, a lot of salads with chickenbreast, diet chicken salads without mayonnaise, sweet salads ofchicken breast with fruit, Mediterranean Chicken Salad, GrilledChicken Garden Fresh Salad and others; • Easy recipes of friedchicken: homemade recipes of fried chicken legs, recipes of friedbreast in breadcrumbs, fried chicken in batter, recipes of friedwings in different marinades, fried chicken with sauces, recipes offried chicken with vegetables, fried chicken with mushrooms,Homemade Chicken Strips, Lemon Chicken, Party Buffalo Wings, BloodOrange Chicken and more; • A lot of recipes of chicken withpotatoes: baked chicken with potatoes, stewed chicken with potatoesand onions, chicken recipes with potatoes and mushrooms, chickenrecipes with potatoes and vegetables; • Tasty recipes of chickenwith pineapple; • Chicken Cordon Bleu; • Creamy Cajun ChickenPasta; • Mushroom Chicken Casserole; • Fajita Style One-DishChicken Dinner; • Sticky Sweet Baked Chicken Wings; • Homemaderecipes of braised chicken; • A lot of snack chicken recipes:chicken pie recipes, chicken pizza, fried chicken recipes, recipessnacks from the chicken and vegetables and many other simple anddelicious chicken recipes! Cook with pleasure!
Baking Recipes 5.04
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of easy baking free recipes: baked cakerecipes, baked muffin recipes, pie baked recipes, baked sweet rollrecipes, baked cheesecake tasty recipes, baked cookie homemaderecipes, baked cupcake recipes and other tasty baking. All bakingrecipes are presented in the application with simple and detailedinstructions. Recipe app works offline. All baking recipes arepresented with photo and simple instructions. You can choose yourliked recipes and keep them in your favorites. You also can use ashopping list. Just add the desired product directly from therecipe to the shopping list. The application does not require theInternet and your favorite recipes will always be with you, evenwhen you have not Internet connection! All baking recipes aredivided into the categories for easy use. All tasty baking fastrecipes are presented with photos for quickly selection. You canfind a recipe for your mood! There is simple searching in the appby the name or by the ingredients. Easy recipes using ingredientsyou already have in the kitchen. The majority of recipes we offercan be both prepared and cooked in 40 minutes or less, from startto finish. We offer to you lot recipes of: • Delicious recipes ofbaked cakes: baked cream recipes of cakes, baked fruit cakerecipes, chocolate cake recipes, baked classic cake recipes,recipes of classic baked biscuits, German Cheesecake, German PeachCake with Almond Streusel, Fruit Torte, Spice Cake, Gluten FreeChocolate Cheese Cake, Applecake, Cream Cheese Pound Cake, etc.; •Homemade recipes of baking pies and casseroles: baked casserolesrecipes with fruits, recipes of sweet simple baked cheesecakes,recipes of strawberry cheesecakes, recipes of blueberrycheesecakes, Sweet Potato Pie, Pumpkin Pie, etc.; • Easy recipes ofbaked cakes and rolls: small baked cupcake recipes, baked muffinrecipes, cream cake recipes, recipes of baked muffin with berry andfruit, baked fruit roll recipes, Dinner Bell Honey Rolls, ChocolateRice Krispie Balls, etc.; • Cookie simple recipes: a lot of bakingcookies, baked marshmallow recipes, tasty recipes of bakedpancakes, cake recipes, recipes of bagels, recipes of cake biscuitsand pastries, German Vanilla Bean Meringue Cookie, German LinzerCookies, White Chocolate Brownies, Peanut Butter Cookies, ChocolateOrange Cupcakes, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Cheesecake Brownies; • Bestbaking recipes of cheesecakes; • Recipes of baked homemade cakes; •Recipes of baked layered pastries; • Easy baking recipes; • Recipesof sweet baked pastries; • Recipes of baked bread and much more!Cook with pleasure!
Microwave Recipes 5.06
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free easy microwave recipes: baked recipesin the microwave, main dishes recipes in the microwave, microwavecake, snacks recipes, meat recipes, fish recipes, and starter’srecipes, casseroles in the microwave, microwave mug recipes,microwave oven recipes, microwave chicken recipes and other recipesin the microwave. Recipe app works offline. All microwave recipeswith photo and simple detailed instructions. You can choose yourliked recipes and keep them in your favorites. You also can use ashopping list. Just add the desired product directly from therecipe to the shopping list. In this application you can share yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback about otherrecipes! The application does not require the Internet and yourfavorite recipes will always be with you, even when you have notInternet connection! All microwave recipes are divided into thecategories for easy use. You can find a recipe for your mood! Thereis simple searching in the app by the name or by the ingredients.Easy recipes using ingredients you already have in the kitchen. Themajority of recipes we offer can be both prepared and cooked in 20minutes or less, from start to finish. We offer to you: • Deliciousrecipes for the microwave: easy recipes of meat in the microwave,recipes of meatballs in the microwave, tasty recipes of fish in themicrowave, pizza recipes in the microwave, baking recipes in themicrowave, cooking recipes of rolls, French Toast, Prawn Balchao,Rocky Road Candies, Easy Chicken Parmesan Sandwich, Loga'sMicrowave Chicken, Cilantro Tomato Corn Salad, World's Best BaconCheese Dip, Microwave Baked Potato, Stir Fried Chilli Chicken withCabbage, Italian Meatball Stew, etc.; • Tasty recipes of cakes inthe microwave: homemade recipes of mushroom pies in the microwave,cake recipes, easy recipes of meat pies, Hasty Chocolate Pudding,Chocolate Fluffernutter Mug Cake, Nutella Mug Cake, ChocolateSlice, Chocolate Cake, Fruit Bread, Pumpkin, Feta and BeetrootTart, Chocolate Cake Eggs, etc.; • A lot of casserole recipes:casserole with meat recipes, cooking recipes of vegetablecasseroles in the microwave, potato casserole recipes, easy recipesof casseroles with fish, Lasagna in a Mug, ; • Yummy baking recipesin the microwave: tasty recipes of cupcakes in the microwave,biscuit recipes in the microwave, cake recipes, recipes of fruitpies, brownie recipes in the microwave, sweet bread recipes,recipes of muffins in the microwave, Baked Apples with FrozenYogurt, Creamy Fruit Fluff, Mini Quiches, Honey Slice, Tasty M& M Cookies, No Sugar Coconut Bites, Gluten Free ChocolateBrownies, Custard Tart, etc.; • Cooking Recipes of hot sandwichesin the microwave; • Loga's Microwave Chicken; • Tasty Recipes ofSpaghetti Bolognese; • Balsamic Glazed Salmon; • Easy Recipes ofHomemade Pizzas; • Southern Fried Chicken Pitas; • Quick & EasyFruit Scones; • Easy Peasy Tuna & Tomato Pasta Bake; • Bean andEnchiladas; • Easy Recipes of Beef with Butternut Squash; • CrumbedChicken; • Salmon Steaks in Lime Butter; • Stir Fried ChilliChicken with Cabbage; • A lot of recipes of barbecue in themicrowave; • Quick recipes of omelets for breakfast in themicrowave; • Easy Recipes of lasagna in the microwave; • Recipes ofsoups in the microwave; • Other recipes of simple and quick dishesin the microwave and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Soup Recipes 6.14
DIL Studio
Soup recipes: chicken soups, meat soups, fish soups, cold soups,cream soups!
Healthy Smoothie Recipes 6.01
DIL Studio
Smoothei recipes: fruit smoothies, milk smoothies, vegetable,banana smoothies
Potato Recipes 6.06
DIL Studio
Potato recipes: baked potato, potato stew, chips, casseroles,fried, puree
Pie Recipes 5.11
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free pie recipes: pie recipes with fruitsand berries, sweet pie recipes with chocolate, pie recipes withmeat and fish, traditional apple pie recipes, pineapple pierecipes, strawberry pie recipes, cheesecake recipes, butter pie andother tasty pie recipes. Recipe app works offline. All pie recipeswith photo and simple and detailed instructions. You can chooseyour liked recipes and keep them in your favorites. You also canuse a shopping list. Just add the desired product directly from therecipe to the shopping list. In this application you can share yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback about otherrecipes! The application does not require the Internet and yourfavorite recipes will always be with you, even when you have notInternet connection! All pie recipes are divided into thecategories for easy use. You can find a recipe for your mood! Thereis simple searching in the app by the name or by the ingredients.Easy recipes using ingredients you already have in the kitchen. Themajority of recipes we offer can be both prepared and cooked in 20minutes or less, from start to finish. We offer to you: • A lot ofpie recipes with fruits and berries: pie recipes with apples, easyrecipes of pie with cherries, strawberries, plums, pie recipes withpineapples and bananas, homemade recipes of pie with cherries andcurrants, pies with jam recipes, No-Bake Cherry Cheesecake Pie,Lemon Ice Box Pie, Tropical Coconut Cream Pie in Coconut Crust,Nannies Buttermilk Pie, Rhubarb Pineapple Pie, Strawberry RhubarbPie, Easy Strawberry Pie, Amish Country Strawberry Pie, ImpossibleCoconut Custard Pie, Rhubarb and Apple Custard Pie, English ApplePie, Apple Pecan Cream Pie, Nutella Swirl Pumpkin Pie, No BakeLemon Cheese Cake, etc.; • Delicious cooking recipes of pie withcream and chocolate: easy recipes of sweet pies with chocolatefilling and chocolate dough; cream chocolate pie recipes, homemaderecipes of pie with cocoanut and chocolate, White Chocolate No BakeCheesecake Pie, Peanut Butter Fudge Pie, Seleta`s Easy Caramel Pie,Fudgy Tar Heel Pie, German Chocolate Pie, Grandma`s Old FashionedChocolate Cream Pie, Leah's Chocolate Meringue Pie, Candy Bar Pie,etc.; • Tasty recipes of pie with meat: easy recipes of pies withbeef, pie with pork recipes, pie recipes with chicken, a lot ofcooking recipes of pies with meat and sausages, pie recipes withduck and turkey, pie recipes with meat and cheese, Harvest SweetPotato Pie, Italian Spinach Sausage Pie, Tomato Pie, Apple PieGlazed Stuffed Meatloaf, Easy Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie, MiniChicken Pot Pies, Mamas Chicken Pie, The Spanish Chicken Pie, etc.;• A lot of homemade recipes of pie with cheese: cheesecake recipes,recipes of sweet and savory pies, cheese pie with vegetables, EasySweet Potatoes Pie, Apple Pie with Cheddar Cheese Crust, CherryCream Cheese Bake, etc.; • Tasty recipes of pies based on milk; •Sunflower Pie; • Spinach and Cheese Sunflower Pie; • ChickenShepherd Pie; • Baked Paprika Pie; • Vegetable English Pie; •Presenting Veg Quiche; • Cooking recipes of pies based on yogurt; •Tasty recipes of pies with vegetables; • Recipes of tarts andquiches; • Cooking recipes of traditional apple pies; • Recipes ofzucchini pies; • Recipes of pies with fish; • Recipes of quicklypies, and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Meat Recipes 5.04
DIL Studio
Best offline recipes app. We offer to you a lot of free recipeswith meat: baked meat recipes, fried meat recipes, boiled meatrecipes, soup meat recipes, meatloaf recipes, meatball recipes,meat casserole recipes, roast beef recipes and other. Recipe appworks offline. All meat recipes with photo and simple detailedinstructions. You can choose your liked recipes and keep them inyour favorites. You also can use a shopping list. Just add thedesired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list. Inthis application you can share your own delicious recipes and youcan leave feedback about other recipes! The application does notrequire the Internet and your favorite recipes will always be withyou, even when you have not Internet connection! All recipes withmeat are divided into the categories for easy use. You can find arecipe for your mood! There is simple searching in the app by thename or by the ingredients. Easy recipes using ingredients youalready have in the kitchen. The majority of recipes we offer canbe both prepared and cooked in 20 minutes or less, from start tofinish. We offer to you: • Delicious cooking recipes of baking meatdishes: grilled meat recipes, easy recipes of stuffed cabbage, meatcasseroles recipes, chop recipes, meatball meat recipes, homemaderecipes of meat pilaf, stew recipes, Homemade Dry Cured Bacon,Venison Steaks with Lime and Coriander Butter, Stroganoff withVenison, Venison Barbecue with Bacon, Braised Venison and ShiitakeStew, Rabbit and Coconut Stew, Rabbit Stew with Dumplings, JamaicanGoat Curry, Madras Goat Curry, Goat and Potato Curry, Casserole ofWild Rabbit, Roast Wild Pork, Hamburger Steak with Onions, SlowCooker Pot Roast, Beef Stroganoff, Chef John's Smothered PorkChops, Porcini Pork Tenderloin, etc.; • A lot of meatloaf recipes:beef roll recipes, easy recipes of beef rolls with vegetables,meatloaf recipes with porchetta, pork roll recipes with garlic andcheese, Brown Sugar Meatloaf, Meatloaf Italian Style, Apple CurryMeat Loaf, Sharon's Italian Meatloaf, etc.; • Simple meat recipeswith any sauce: meat recipes with cheese sauce, cooking recipes ofpork in tomato sauces, meat recipes with mushrooms in tomato sauce,grilled meat recipes with sause, Easy Pork Chop, Bread Crumb PorkChops, Pork Chop, Vegetable Beef Stew, Manitoba Beer-braised StickyRibs, Pork Tenderloin Amadine, Crockpot Hawaiian Pork, ect.; • BeanSoup with Ham; • A lot of roast beef and pork recipes; • TastyRecipes of home cutlets; • Homemade Recipes of Tex-Mex Pork Chops;• Crockpot Powerhouse Beef Stew • Cooking Recipes of Beef Roastsuch as a Chuck Roast; • Cooking Recipes of Beer and Brown SugarRibeye Steak; • Cooking Recipes of Jack Daniels Brisket; • JohnWayne Casserole; • Homemade Recipes of Mustard Crown Roast of Pork;• Roasted Pig's Snouts and Ears; • Tasty Recipes of barbecue; •Tasty Recipes of roast beef; • Quickly recipes with meat and more!Cook with pleasure!
Snack Recipes 6.02
DIL Studio
Snack recipes: healthy snack recipes, easy snacks, cheesy snacks,fish and chips
Cookie Recipes 5.03
DIL Studio
Best offline recipes app. We offer to you a lot of free easy cookierecipes: chocolate cookie recipes, fruit cookie recipes, jam cookierecipes, rasty bar recipes, sweet milk cookie recipes, simplecookie recipes, cooking cookie recipes with cream and otherdelicious cookie recipes. Recipe app works offline. All cookierecipes with photo and simple instructions. You can choose yourliked recipes and keep them in your favorites. You also can use ashopping list. Just add the desired product directly from therecipe to the shopping list. In this application you can share yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback about otherrecipes! The application does not require the Internet and yourfavorite recipes will always be with you, even when you have notInternet connection! All cookie recipes are divided into thecategories for easy use. You can find a recipe for your mood! Thereis simple searching in the app by the name or by the ingredients.Easy recipes using ingredients you already have in the kitchen. Themajority of recipes we offer can be both prepared and cooked in 20minutes or less, from start to finish. We offer to you lot recipesof: • A variety of chocolate cookie recipes: no-bake oreo bars,chocolate oatmeal cooking recipes, cookie recipes with chocolatestuffing, Chocolate Brownie Cookies, Peanut Butter & ChocolateChip Cream Cheese Cookies, Chocolate Sugar Cookies, Dark ChocolateCovered Shortbreads, Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies, Soft ChocolateChip Cookies, Chocolate Thumb Pressed Cookies, Raspberry HugsChocolate Cookies, Chocolate Filled Cookies, Chocolate SprinkleSandwich Cookies, Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, etc.; • Homemaderecipes fruit cookies: cookie recipes with apple, cookie recipeswith strawberry, cookie recipes with blueberry, cookie recipes withblackberry, Paleo Magic Cookie Bars, Gluten Free Coconut Cookies,Lemon Cookie Dough Bites, Raspberry Lemon Cheesecake Cookies,Coconut Macaroon Thumbprints, Cake Strawberry Yam, etc.; • Tastyrecipes cookie with cream: cookie recipes with cocoa, biscuits withchocolate stuffing recipes, cookie recipes of brownies, etc.; •Cooking recipes of cookie with various stuffing: jam cookierecipes, cookie recipes with apple jam, cookie recipes with driedfruit, biscuits with jelly recipes, etc.; • Easy recipes of cookiewithout stuffing: delicious recipes of cookie based on the milk,cookie recipes without flour, cookie recipes with cheese, cookierecipes with a variety of powder, etc.; • Many different simplecookie recipes; • Tasty recipes of cookies with vanilla andcinnamon; • Cookie recipes with cottage cheese; • Homemade recipesof biscuits without baking; • Recipes of cookies with M&M's; •Recipes of cookies with chocolate and cocoanut; • Recipes of gingercookies; • Easy recipes of cookies with cream filling and muchmore! Cook with pleasure!
Cake Recipes 5.06
DIL Studio
Offline recipes app. We offer to you a lot of free cake recipes:birthday cake, chocolate cake recipes, carrot cake, fruit cakerecipes, banana cake recipes, easy cake recipes, cake recipes withcream and other delicious cake cooking recipes. Recipe app worksoffline. All cake recipes with photo and simple instructions. Youcan choose your liked recipes and keep them in your favorites. Youalso can use a shopping list. Just add the desired product directlyfrom the recipe to the shopping list. In this application you canshare your own delicious recipes and you can leave feedback aboutother recipes! The application does not require the Internet andyour favorite recipes will always be with you, even when you havenot Internet connection! All cake recipes are divided into thecategories for easy use. We offer to you lot recipes of: •Delicious cooking recipes of chocolate cakes: cake recipes withchocolate frosting, cake recipes with chocolate shortcakes, tastycake recipes based on cocoa, recipes of homemade chocolate cakes,recipes of biscuit chocolate cakes, homrmade recipes ofbanana-chocolate cakes, easy cake recipes with chocolate cream,recipes of chocolate cakes with cherry, Chocolate Eclair Cake,Chocolate Buttermilk Quick Cake, Chocolate Cherry Nougat Mud Cake,Baked Chocolate Chip Cheesecake, Eggless Perfectly PerfectChocolate Cake, Double Chocolate Cake, etc.; • Tasty recipes offruit and berry cake: easy recipes of cakes with apple, cherry,banana, cranberry, cake recipes with pineapple, cake recipes withstrawberries, blackberries, blueberries, cooking recipes ofcurrants cakes, recipes of fruit cake with sour cream, recipes ofberry cakes with jelly, recipes of fruit cake with jelly, cake withberry recipes without baking, Layered Banana Ice Cream Cake, OldOrange Jello Cake, Pineapple & Cream Cheese Upside Down Cake,Buko Pandan Cake, Healthy Carrot Cake, Grapefruit Yogurt Cake,Pineapple Upside Down Cake, etc.; • A lot of cooking recipes ofcream cake: cream recipes of light cakes, wedding cake creamrecipes, recipes of biscuit and cream cakes, recipes of two- andmulti-tiered cream cake, recipes of cream cake brightest, Ice CreamCake, Vanilla Candy Cane Butter Cake, Lemon Layer Cake with WhippedCream, Red Velvet Cheesecake Swirl Cake, Brown Sugar Caramel PoundCake, Cherry Cheese Coffee Cake, etc.; • Yummy recipes of simpleand fast cakes: delicious easy recipes of cakes with milk, cakerecipes without flour, easy recipes of cheese based cakes, cakerecipes with a variety of powder, etc.; • Recipes of cakes withoutbaking; • Banana Pudding Cake; • Crack Cake; • Very Tasty Cake; •Southern Strawberry Punch Bowl Cake; • Apple Fritter Cake •Blueberry Snack Cake; • Miracle Whip Chocolate Cake; • DreamsicleLovers Cake; • Cheesecake recipes with various fillings; • Recipesof cakes with coconut; • Recipes of simple tasty cakes, and muchmore cooking cake recipes! Cook with pleasure!
Salad Recipes 5.04
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free salad recipes: pasta salad recipes,meat and fish salad recipes, vegetable salad recipes, fruit saladrecipes, potato salad recipes, tuna salad recipes, chicken saladrecipes, easy salad recipes, mushroom salad recipes, macaroni saladrecipes, egg salad recipes and other tasty salad recipes. Recipeapp works offline. In this app you could enjoy: • All salad recipeswith photo and simple detailed instructions • All free saladrecipes are divided into the categories • Simple searching in theapp by the name or by the ingredients • You can choose the recipesyou liked and keep them in your favorites. You can save cookedrecipes • You can use a shopping list. Just add the desired productdirectly from the recipe to the shopping list • You can share yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback about otherrecipes • There is a table of caloricity • Recipe app works offlineand your favorite recipes will always be with you, even when youhave no Internet connection! We offer to you lot recipes of: •Delicious cooking fast recipes of salad for every day: easy recipesof meat salads, fish salad recipes, tasty recipes of vegetablesalads, homemade recipes of cold and warm salads, salad withmayonnaise recipes, recipes of salads without mayonnaise, saladrecipes with yogurt dressings, Mayo-Less Pasta Salad, Mexican CornSalad, Raw Beet, Carrot and Cabbage Coleslaw with Onions, AvocadoCilantro Salad, Pasta Salad with Pesto and Mozzarella, JicamaSalad, Cajun Pasta Salad, Zucchini Slaw, Citrus and Spinach Salad,Classic French Green Salad, Diabetic Special Seven Layer Salad,Southern Caviar or Black Eyed Pea Salad, Egg Salad for Sandwiches,Potluck Spaghetti Salad, Avocado Strawberry Salad with Poppy SeedDressing, Muffaletta Tortellini Salad, Quinoa, Avocado, TomatoBlack Bean Salad, Tomato & Cucumber Salad, etc.; • Tastyrecipes of salads with chicken: salad recipes with chicken andpineapples, salad recipes with chicken and croutons, salad recipeswith chicken and carrot, salad recipes with cabbage and chicken,Cucumber Chickpea Salad, The Great Caesar Salad, Blueberry ChickenSalad, Venezuelan Chicken Salad Sandwich, Orange Chicken Salad,Chicken Pasta Salad, Chicken Nuggets Salad, Tea Room Chicken Salad,etc.; • A lot of homemade recipes of salads with seafood: crabsalad recipes, salad recipes with cabbage, salad recipes withsquid, shrimp salad recipes, recipes of spicy salad, rice saladrecipes with seafood, Shrimp Salad, Grilled Shrimp Salad, ShrimpSalad with Feta Cheese and Candied Garlic, Shrimp Egg Salad,Shrimp, Avocado, and Grapefruit Salad, etc.; • Easy recipes of fishsalads: cold salad recipes, salad recipes with canned fish, recipesof cold salads with tuna, salad recipes with red fish, recipes offish salad with crackers, etc.; • Yummy recipes of puff salad; •Simple salad recipes with mushrooms; • Delicious recipes of saladswith ham; • Cooking recipe of Taco Bag; • Candy Salad; • Tastyrecipe of Oriental Salad; • Amish Broccoli Salad; • Homemade recipeof Cucumber Salad; • Macaroni Salad; • Seven-Layer Salad; • JicamaSalad with Cilantro and Lime; • Lime Shrimp and Avocado Salad; •Delicious recipes of salads with bacon; • Recipes ofbeautifully-decorated salads; • Recipes of sweet salads and quicksalads, and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Vegetarian Recipes 6.01
DIL Studio
Vegetarian recipes: easy recipes, dinner recipes, desserts
Recipes with cottage cheese 6.01
DIL Studio
Cottage cheese recipes: cheesecakes, desserts, casseroles, fruitcottage cheese!
Cupcake Recipes 5.07
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free cupcake recipes: chocolate cupcakes,chicken cupcake recipes, egg muffins, easy cupcakes, cupcakes inthe microwave, fruit cupcakes, meat cupcakes, banana cupcakes,vegetable cupcakes, simple cupcakes, chicken muffins, and othertasty recipes of cupcakes. Recipe app works offline. All cupcakerecipes with photo and simple detailed instructions. You can chooseyour liked recipes and keep them in your favorites. You also canuse a shopping list. Just add the desired product directly from therecipe to the shopping list. In this application you can share yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback about otherrecipes! The application does not require the Internet and yourfavorite recipes will always be with you, even when you have notInternet connection! All cupcake recipes are divided into thecategories for easy use. You can find a recipe for your mood! Thereis simple searching in the app by the name or by the ingredients.Easy recipes using ingredients you already have in the kitchen. Themajority of recipes we offer can be both prepared and cooked in 20minutes or less, from start to finish. We offer to you: • Deliciouschicken and meat cupcake recipes: Breakfast Cupcakes, recipes ofOmelet Muffins, Mashed Potato Cupcakes, Left Over Mashed PotatoesPuffs, Cupcake Pizzas, Mini Meatloaves, Sausage Biscuit Bites, LazyEggs, Spicy Sausage Won Ton Appetizer, Spinach, Egg, Bacon Cup,Steak Parmessan Cheese Pies, Sausage, Biscuits & Gravy in aPie, Bacon Cheddar Meatloaf Cupcake & Mashed Potato Frosting,Bbq Bacon Cheddar Meatloaf Cupcake, Loaf Cupcakes with MashedPotatoes, Meatloaf Cupcakes, Low Carb Ham Egg Cups, Make Meatloafin a Muffin Pan, Breakfast Egg Muffins to Go, etc.; • Tasty recipesof chocolate cupcakes and muffins: Black-bottom Cheesecake Muffins,Caramel Marshmallow Cookie Bites, Cheesecake Stuffed Cupcakes, DarkChocolate Cake, recipes of Boston Cream Pie Minis, How to cookBrownies in a Cupcake Pan, Chocolate Cupcakes, Boston CreamCupcakes, Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes, Chocolate CornflakeCakes, etc.; • A lot of recipes of fruit cupcakes: RaspberryCheesecake Bites, Banana Sponge Cake, Butterfly Cupcakes,Strawberry Amaranth Cupcakes, Strawberry Shortcakes Cupcakes,Filipino Coconut Macaroons Cupcake, Impossible Pumpkin PieCupcakes, Mini Apple Pies, Pineapple Upside-Down Cupcakes, etc.; •Delicious tasty others cupcake recipes: Lemon Blossoms, Gluten FreeBanana Muffins, Low Carb Individual Omelets, 3 Ingredient PineappleCake, Mini Chicken Pot PiesSticky Toffee Pudding Cake, etc.; •Chocolate Caramel Cups; • Mini Strawberry Pies with Sugar CookieCrust; • Lasagna Cups; • Savory Mini Quiches; • Bacon and VegetableNoodle Cups; • Duffin Recipe; • Chocolate Peanut Butter BrownieBites; • Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Bites; • Lemon Tartlets; • Muffinsof Stale Bread; • Healthy Banana Bran Muffins and more! Cook withpleasure!
Holiday Recipes Cookbook 6.07
DIL Studio
Holiday recipes: appetizers, holiday salads, main dishes forholidays, desserts
Cooking Recipes 5.06
DIL Studio
Free Recipes and Cooking. In this app you could enjoy: • Allrecipes with photo and simple detailed instructions • All recipesare divided into the categories for easy use • Simple searching inthe app by the name or by the ingredients • You can choose therecipes you liked and keep them in your favorites. You can savecooked recipes • You can use a shopping list. Just add the desiredproduct directly from the recipe to the shopping list • You canshare your own delicious recipes and you can leave feedback aboutother recipes • There is a table of caloricity • Recipe app worksoffline and your favorite recipes will always be with you, evenwhen you have no Internet connection! There are a lot of easyrecipes, breakfast recipes, chicken recipes, salads, healthycooking recipes, pasta recipes, soup recipes, easy meat and fishrecipes, meatball, meatloaf recipes, tasty pork and beef recipes,simple potato recipes, cabbage recipes, delicious snack cookingrecipes, vegetable recipes, a lot of rice recipes, casserolerecipes, dumpling recipes, homemade pie and cake recipes, simplecupcake and muffins recipes, dessert recipes, cottage cheeserecipes, pancake recipes, cookie and other baking recipes, and alsolow fat recipes, crock pot recipes, recipes in the oven, etc. Weoffer to you: • Delicious salad recipes • Tasty cooking recipes ofappetizers: cheesy snacks, fried snacks, potato snacks, meatsnacks, fish and chips, sandwiches • A lot of soup recipes: chickensoup recipes, easy meat cooking fish soup recipes, potato soups,tomato soup recipes, • A lot of main dishes cooking recipes:cooking meat recipes, easy meatloaf recipes, meatball recipes, meatcasserole recipes, roast beef recipes, baked chicken • Cookingrecipes of garnishes: stew recipes with potatoes and cabbage, stewrecipes with tartar, vegetable rice, fruit rice • Homemade cake,pie, dessert recipes Cook with pleasure!
Porridge Recipes 5.01
DIL Studio
Porridge recipes: rice, oats, semolina recipes, pearl, barley,healthy porridge
Stir Fry Fried Recipes 6.04
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free stir fry recipes: stir fry chickenrecipes, stir fry beef recipes, tasty starters in frying pan, easyrecipes of main dishes, delicious stir fry dessert recipes, stirfry sauce recipes, simple stir fry meat dishes, tasty stir-fryvegetables, easy stir-fry rice and others stir fry recipes for you.Recipe app works offline. All stir fry recipes with photo andsimple detailed instructions. You can choose your liked recipes andkeep them in your favorites. You also can use a shopping list. Justadd the desired product directly from the recipe to the shoppinglist. In this application you can share your own delicious recipesand you can leave feedback about other recipes! The applicationdoes not require the Internet and your favorite recipes will alwaysbe with you, even when you have not Internet connection! All stirfry recipes are divided into the categories for easy use. You canfind a recipe for your mood! There is simple searching in the appby the name or by the ingredients. Easy recipes using ingredientsyou already have in the kitchen. The majority of recipes we offercan be both prepared and cooked in 30 minutes or less, from startto finish. We offer to you: • Delicious stir fry starter recipes:Yeh Shaam Masatani, Upwas Tikki, Sabudana Wada, Fried GreenTomatoes, Long John Silver's Batter, Beer Battered Pickles, Avocadoon Toast with Bacon and Maple Syrup, Fried Pickles, Quick FishTacos, Coconut Chicken, Mozzarella Sticks recipe, Turkey LettuceWraps recipe, Vetbroodjies with Mince Curry, Chicken & PotatoCurry Puffs, South African Favorite Vetkoek, etc.; • Homemaderecipes of stir fry main dishes: easy recipe of Southern FriedCabbage, Low Carb Italian Squash Recipe, tasty recipe of One PanRed Pepper Alfredo Pasta, Skillet Zucchini and Tomatoes, recipe ofOld Fashioned Goulash, Beef and Veggie Stir Fry, Chicken CabbageStir-Fry recipe, Tuscan Chicken Pasta, Bacon & Cheddar PotatoCakes, Cabbage Chicken Stir-Fry, Chicken Pineapple Stir- Fry,Chinese Style Fried Chicken, etc.; • A lot of cooking recipes ofstir fry desserts: Recipe of Sweet Potato Desert, Stuffed Bananas,Apple Fritters, Christmas Pet Pancakes, Fried Honey Bananas,Nutella French Toast, etc.; • Indonesian Beef Stew Coconut MagoTapioca Dessert; • Enchiladas Sonorenses Picosas; • Cooking Recipeof Cebolla Tomato; • Vegetable Jalfrezi; • Spicy Low-carb Frittataswith Tuna and Zucchini; • Parmesan Dill Fried Pickle Chips; • EasyRecipe of Low Carb Salmon Patties; • Cajun Salmon; • HomemadeFries; • Reuben Meatball Sliders; • Quick Chicken Briyani; • PrawnsPaella; • Plantain Fry; • Crispy Fried Chicken; • Shrimp &Veggie Stir Fry; • Stir Fry Rice and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Dessert Recipes 5.03
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of easy free dessert recipes: cupcakes,cheesecake recipes, bananas dessert recipes, chocolate dessertrecipes, puddings, sweet rolls and other east dessert recipes.Recipe app works offline. All dessert recipes with photo and simpledetailed instructions. You can choose your liked recipes and keepthem in your favorites. You also can use a shopping list. Just addthe desired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list.In this application you can share your own delicious recipes andyou can leave feedback about other recipes! The application doesnot require the Internet and your favorite recipes will always bewith you, even when you have not Internet connection! All dessertrecipes are divided into the categories for easy use. You can finda recipe for your mood! There is simple searching in the app by thename or by the ingredients. Easy recipes using ingredients youalready have in the kitchen. The majority of recipes we offer canbe both prepared and cooked in 20 minutes or less, from start tofinish. We offer to you lot recipes of: • Delicious chocolatedessert recipes: 5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake, Chocolate-Mint Bars,Chocolate Pudding Cake, Chocolate Oatmeal No Bake Cookies,Chocolate Mousse Cake, Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream, etc.;. • Homemaderecipes of tasty strawberry desserts: easy recipe of Strawberry andChampagne Cupcakes, Southern Strawberry Punch Bowl Cake, recipe ofSpring Strawberry Spinach Salad, Strawberry and Feta Salad, recipeof Strawberry Trifle, Strawberry Muffins, Rhubarb Strawberry CrunchRecipe, Strawberry Bread, Almond Strawberry Chia Seed Pudding,Spicy Strawberry Kiwi Peach Salsa, etc.; • A lot of cooking recipesof ice-cream: recipe of Ice Cream In A Bag Less Than 10 minutes,Frozen Berries, Dry Cake Mix, Quick And Easy Mango Ice Cream,recipe of Jelly Bean Ice Cream, Blackcurrant Ice Cream And TartRecipe, Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream, Pineapple Ice Cream, recipe ofBlueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream, Banana Ice Cream, recipe of WineIce Cream, recipe of Cinnamon Ice Cream, Lime Pie Ice Cream Recipe,etc.; • Honey Vanilla Ice Cream Easy Recipe; • The Best No-BakeBars; • Diabetic Cheesecake; • "Fried" Honey Bananas Recipes; •Bread Pudding Recipes; • Smoothie Recipes; • Cake DoughnutsRecipes; • Snow Grapes Recipes; • Cinnamon Roll Ups; • Last-MinuteTropical Sherbet Recipes; • Pumpkin Pie Pudding; • Homemade Recipesof Chocolate-Mint Bars; • Cooking Recipes of The Mini Roll Sponge;• Yummy Sweet Potato Halwa; • Yummy Recipe Kalakand; • Yummy SweetRecipe Rasmalai; • Yummy Basen Ladoo and much more! Cook withpleasure!
Dinner Recipes 6.21
DIL Studio
Recipe book with easy dinner recipes. All recipes with photos andreviews.
Forcemeat Recipes 6.02
DIL Studio
Forcemeat recipes: forcemeat main dishes, meatloaf recipes,meatball recipes
Pastry Dough Crust Recipes 5.06
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free pastry recipes: tasty pastry recipes,puff pastry recipes, simple crust recipes, easy pizza doughrecipes, sweet dough recipes, delicious biscuit dough recipes,homemade pastry pie recipes, cake dough recipes and other pastryrecipes, etc. In this app you could enjoy: • All pastry recipeswith photo and simple and detailed instructions • All pastryrecipes are divided into the categories for easy use • Simplesearching in the app by the name or by the ingredients • You canchoose the recipes you liked and keep them in your favorites. Youcan save cooked recipes • You can use a shopping list. Just add thedesired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list • Youcan share your own delicious recipes and you can leave feedbackabout other recipes • There is a table of caloricity • Recipe appworks offline and your favorite recipes will always be with you,even when you have no Internet connection! We offer to you: • Tastypastry recipes: Custard Tart Pastry, Lemon Juice Salt Pastry, TartPastry, Pastry For Quiche Lorraine, French Tart Pastry, Pastry for"Pop Tarts", Tasty Pastry for Pies, Gluten Free Pie Pastry, VeryEasy Cornish Pasty, Scottish Tart Pastry, Cream Puff Pastry,Coconut Pastry Cream, Sweet Shortcrust Pastry, Pie Pastry,Vegetable Pie Pastry, Filo Pastry, etc. • Delicious crust recipes:Lemon Crust for Pie, Easy Pie Crust, Perfect Pie Crust, VanillaCrust for Cheesecake, Crust for Tart Old School Version, Graham /Oats Crust, Crust for No Bake Cheesecakes, Crust Delight,Impossible Coconut Custard Crust For Pie, Crust for Cookie Bars,Not Sweet Crust, Chocolate Biscuit Crust, Zucchini Pizza CrustBase, Crust for Cake, Crust for Quiche, Crust and Crumb, LemonSwirl Crust, Hazelnut Crust for Cheesecakes, Crust for Cheesecakes,Crust for Peanut Butter Pie, Granola Pie Crust, Oreo Crust, SaltedChocolate Crust, Homemade Pie Crust, Crust for Bars, Crust forPecan Cake Bars, Classic Southern Caramel Crust, etc. • Sweet doughrecipes: Chewy Chocolate Cookie Dough, Gluten Free Mousse MuffinsDough, Bread and Butter Pudding Dough, Pancakes Dough,Ginger-Orange Irish Soda Bread Dough for Muffins, Chocolate CakeDough, Homemade Donut Dough, Old-Fashioned Doughnuts, 3 IngredientPineapple Cake Dough, Banana Cake Dough, Chocolate Slice Dough,Shortbread Biscuit Dough, Brownie Cookie Dough, Golden Roll Dough,Mum's Best Profiteroles Dough, Buttermilk Biscuit Dough, BasicBiscuit Dough, Flaky Buttery Biscuit Base, Empire Biscuits Base,etc. • Pizza, pancake and other dough recipes: Fail-Proof PizzaDough, Hot Dog Dough, 2 Ingredient Pizza Dough, Pizza Dough, ThreeCheese Dough, Home Made Flour Tortillas, Easy Big Fat Dough, FluffyAmerican Pancake Dough, Fluffiest Pancake Dough, Biggest LoserPancake Dough, Eggless Pancake Dough, Gluten-Free Banana OatPancake Dough, Buttermilk Bran Pancake Dough, Old Fashioned PancakeDough, Elvis Pancake Dough, Cinnamon Applesauce Pancake Dough, etc.Cook with pleasure!
Dumpling Recipes 5.07
DIL Studio
Dumplings recipes: dumplings, ravioli, tortellini, wonton, chickenand dumplings
Cabbage Recipes 6.03
DIL Studio
Cabbage recipes: stewed, fried cabbage, soups, salads, cabbagerolls, coleslaw
Casserole Recipes 6.27
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free casserole cooking recipes: tastycasserole recipes with fruits and berries, casserole homemaderecipes with meat and fish, easy cheesy casserole recipes and othertasty casserole recipes. Recipe app works offline. All casserolerecipes with photo and simple detailed instructions. You can chooseyour liked recipes and keep in your favorites. You also can make ashopping list. Add the desired product directly from the recipe tothe shopping list. The application does not require the Internetand your favorite recipes will always be with you, even when youhave no network on your device! All casserole recipes are dividedinto the categories for easy use. The application has simplesearch. You can search recipes by the name or ingredients. Easyrecipes using ingredients you already have in the kitchen. Themajority of recipes we offer can be both prepared and cooked in 30minutes or less, from start to finish. We offer to you lot recipesof: • A lot of recipes of casseroles in the oven: cooking recipesof casseroles in the oven with meat, casserole recipes withsemolina, casserole recipes with fish, easy recipes of casserolewith sausage, Company Casserole, Fantastic Taco Casserole, Low-CarbChicken and Bacon Casserole, Brings Back Memories Tuna Casserole,Stroganoff Casserole, Creamy Burrito Casserole, Mexican ChipCasserole, Ham & Noodle Casserole, Pork Chops Casserole, etc.;• Delicious recipes of cheesy casseroles: tasty recipes of sweetcasseroles with cheesy stuffing, casserole homemade recipes withcurd and cheese, recipes of cheese-based casseroles, recipes ofcheesy casserole without flour, recipes of cheesy casserole withmeat, recipes of cheesy casserole with vegetables, cottage cheesecasserole recipes without eggs, cottage cheese casserole recipeswith oatmeal, diet recipes of cheesy casserole, cottage cheesecasserole recipes with berries, Cheesy Chicken & RiceCasserole, Cheesy Ham, Chicken and Bacon Casserole, Cheesy CornCasserole, Cheesy Tater Tots and Green Bean Casserole, etc.; •Tasty recipes of potato casseroles: cooking recipes of potatocasseroles with meat, recipes of potato casseroles with chicken,all kinds of recipes of potato casseroles with sausages, recipes ofpotato casseroles with duck and turkey, recipes of potatocasseroles with cheese, Scalloped Potato and Ground Beef Casserole,Loaded Baked Potato Casserole, Mashed Potato Casserole, etc.; •Tasty recipes of casseroles with vegetables: vegetable casserolerecipes with meat and without, recipes of casseroles withvegetables and fish, recipes of casserole with vegetables andcheese, Black Bean Lasagna, French Onion Soup Casserole, etc.; •Homemade recipes of casseroles based on milk; • Mexican ChickenCasserole; • Three Cheese Manicotti; • Turkey Lasagna; • Tex-MexChicken Casserole; • Cracker Barrel Hashbrown Casserole; • ChickenAlfredo Pasta Casserole; • Recipes of casseroles based yogurt; •Sugar-Free Blackberry Cobbler; • Broccoli Cheese Rice Bake; •Strawberry Cheesecake French Toast; • Egg and Sausage Casserole; •Slow Cooked Beef Casserole; • Stuffed Zucchini Casserole; • Recipesof casseroles with pasta; • Recipes of puddings; • Recipes ofuseful casseroles; • Simple recipes of quickly casseroles, and muchmore! Cook with pleasure!
Cake and Baking Recipes 5.27
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free cake and baking recipes: cakerecipes, muffin recipes, pie homemade recipes, sweet roll recipes,easy cheesecake recipes, cookie recipes, cupcake recipes and othertasty cake and baking recipes. Recipe app works offline. All cakeand baking recipes with photos and simple instructions. You canchoose your liked recipes and keep them in your favorites. You alsocan use a shopping list. Just add the desired product directly fromthe recipe to the shopping list. The application does not requirethe Internet and your favorite recipes will always be with you,even when you have not Internet connection! All cake and bakingrecipes are divided into the categories for easy use. All cake andbaking recipes are presented with photos for quickly selection. Youcan find a recipe for your mood! There is simple searching in theapp by the name or by the ingredients. Easy recipes usingingredients you already have in the kitchen. The majority ofrecipes we offer can be both prepared and cooked in 40 minutes orless, from start to finish. We offer to you lot recipes of: •Delicious cooking recipes of baking cakes: Orange Layer Cake,Chiffon Cake, Cream Caramel Cake, Lizzie's Old Fashioned Cocoa Cakerecipe, recipe of Almond Cake, Funnel Cake, Lady Baltimore Cake,Mille Crepes Cake, Amaretto Cake, Coconut Cake with Lemon Glaze,Lemon Blueberry Ricotta Cake, Banana Cake, Sacher Torte, SouthernLane Cake, Black Coffee Cake, Yellow Cake, Eggless Vanilla Cake,Herrentorte-Gentleman's Cake, Caramel Apple Cake, Mimosa Cake,Chocolate Caramel Cake, etc.; • Easy recipes of pies andcheesecakes: Moon Pies, Shoo-Fly Pie, Chocolate Cream Pie, recipeof Blueberry & Lemon Cheesecake, Quince Tart Tatin, Tia MariaCheesecake, Berry Cheesecake in Chocolate Crust, New YorkCheesecake, Nutella Cheesecake Brownies, Chocolate Ginger Torte,Lemon Quark Cheesecake, Orange and Pomegranate Cheesecake, PeachMelba Cheesecake, Triple Berry Cream Pie, Easy Key Lime Pie, ApplePie Filling, Never Fail Pie Crust, Sweet Potato Pie, etc.; • Tastyrecipes of desserts and cookies: Sweet Rolls, Chocolate Pots deCreme, Christmas Tree Sugar Cookies, Chocolate Marshmallow Buns,Marshmallow Pops, Luxurious Brownie Squares, Vanilla Frosting,Raisin Scones, Mint and Chocolate Brownies, Carrot Cake Cookies,etc.; • Cupcake and muffin homemade recipes: Cheesecake StuffedCupcakes, Gooey Butterfinger Cupcakes, Zucchini Cupcakes, Key LimeCupcakes, Low Carb Cheesecake Cupcakes, recipe of PineappleUpside-Down Cupcakes, Coconut Pandan Cupcake, Vanilla BeanCupcakes, Vegan Quinoa Banana Muffins, Banana Muffins, MuffinEasymix; • 2 Bite Cheesecakes; • Turkey Pot Pie; • No-BakeChocolate Oreo Pie; • Pecan Cheese Cake Pie; • Fresh Peach Dessert;• Blueberry Jello Salad; • Skillet Blackberry Cobbler; • StrawberryWhite Chocolate Pie; • Caramel Apple Cobbler and much more cookingrecipes! Cook with pleasure!
Healthy Recipes 6.48
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free healthy recipes: healthy chicken,healthy meat recipes, baking healthy recipes, diet salad recipes,snacks healthy recipes, low-fat casserole recipes, low carb dishrecipes, low carb pizza, diet dinner and other healthy recipes. Therecipe app works offline. In this app you could enjoy: • Allhealthy recipes with photo and simple detailed instructions • Allfree easy recipes are divided into the categories • Simplesearching in the app by the name or by the ingredients • You canchoose the recipes you liked and keep them in your favorites. Youcan save cooked recipes • You can use a shopping list. Just add thedesired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list • Youcan share your own delicious recipes and you can leave feedbackabout other recipes • There is a table of caloricity • Recipe appworks offline and your favorite recipes will always be with you,even when you have no Internet connection! We offer to you: •Delicious recipes for healthy eating: easy recipes of useful maindishes, baking recipes, homemade recipes of simple salads, souprecipes, roll recipes, dietary sandwiches, vegetarian pilafrecipes, Bacon Cheddar Deviled Eggs, Italian Zucchini Boats,Cabbage and Ground Beef Skillet, Roasted Green Pepper Salad,Grilled Shrimp, Nice Pitcher, Sweet Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes,Lemon Garlic Broccoli, Tomato Basil Soup, Skinny SmotheredBurritos, Cheesy Baked Asparagus, Mexican Eggplant Casserole,Cauliflower Mashed Taters, Slow Cooker Beef Stew, etc.; • Tastyrecipes of healthy dishes with chicken: chicken chop recipes withmushrooms, cutlet with breast recipes, easy recipes of chickenrolls with herbs, chicken with broccoli recipes, homemade recipesof chicken sausages, chicken breast diet recipes, Crockpot FiestaChicken, Melt in Your Mouth Chicken Breast, Chinese Chicken withBlack Pepper Sauce, Chicken Bombs, Chicken and Potato, etc.; • Alot of diet baking recipes: tasty recipes of useful muffins,cooking recipes of low-calorie cookies, recipes of lightcasseroles, pudding recipes, Spicy Baked Omelet, Flourless BananaBlender Muffins, Bremug Cake, Easy Cauliflower Pizza, BakedCabbage, Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies, etc.; • Tasty recipes ofsalads with vegetables and meat; • Garlic Parmesan Shrimp; •Southern Style Cabbage Soup; • Loaded Cauliflower; • DiabeticShrimp Scampi • Homemade Pasta Sauce • Avocado, Bacon and TomatoWrap; • Stuffed Mushrooms; • Low Carb Lemon "Cheesecake" Bars; •Taco Salad; • Dr. Oz's Metabolism-Boosting Drink; • Strawberryhomemade Ice cream; • Amy's Chewy Coconut Bars; • MarinatedCucumbers, Tomatoes & Onions; • Brussel Sprouts with Bacon andMushrooms; • Spinach Chips; • Cooking recipes of vegetarian soups;• Quick recipes of omelets for breakfast; • Easy recipes oflow-calorie sweet cream; • Other recipes of simple and quickhealthy eating and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Oven Recipes 6.25
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of easy oven recipes: oven baked chicken,main dishes oven recipes, meat in the oven recipes, snacks in theoven recipes, savory baking in the oven recipes, sweet baking inthe oven recipes, casseroles, duch oven cakes, and cookie recipes,potato recipes in the oven, pizza recipes, oven pork recipes, andother tasty recipes in the oven. Recipe app works offline. All ovenrecipes with photos and simple detailed instructions. You canchoose your liked recipes and keep them in your favorites. You alsocan use a shopping list. Just add the desired product directly fromthe recipe to the shopping list. In this application you can shareyour own delicious recipes and you can leave feedback about otherrecipes! The application does not require the Internet and yourfavorite recipes will always be with you, even when you have notInternet connection! All easy oven recipes are divided intocategories for easy use. You can find a recipe for your mood! Thereis simple searching in the app by the name or by the ingredients.Easy recipes using ingredients you already have in the kitchen. Themajority of recipes we offer can be both prepared and cooked in 20minutes or less, from start to finish. We offer to you: • Deliciouseasy recipes in the oven: meat dishes recipes in the oven, homemaderecipes of poultry in the oven, tasty recipes of fish dishes in theoven, cooking recipes of sweet and savory baking in the oven, TatorTot Taco Bake, Baked Oatmeal Casserole, Zucchini with Cheese,Creamy Chicken Alfredo Lasagna, Chicken Burritos, Bacon WrappedGreen Beans, Noodles and Ham, Chicken Francaise, Eggplant andSpinach Parmesan, Marsala Chicken and Mushroom Casserole, SummerSquash “Casserole”, "Sweet Brown" Sugar Meatloaf, Baked Chicken,Spaghetti Bolognese, Chicken and Bacon BBQ Melt, etc.; • Tastyrecipes in the oven with potatoes: potato with cheese recipes,flaky potato casserole recipes in the oven, potatoes with cheeseand garlic recipes in the oven, easy recipes of stuffed dishes withpotato, Parmesan Upside Down Baked Potatoes, Sweet & SaltyPotato Chip Toffee Cookies, Dori's Infamous Party Potatoes, SlicedBaked Potatoes, Loaded Mashed Potatoes, etc.; • A lot of snack andsweets recipes for oven: cheesecake recipes for oven, easy recipesof hot sandwiches in the oven, pie recipes in the oven, potatochips in the oven, roll recipes, Garlic Parmesan Pull Apart Bread,Hummingbird Cake, Mini Peach Cobblers, Banana Pudding Poke Cake,Red Lobsters Cheese Biscuit Loaf, Bailey's Irish Cream Brownies,Slutty Brownies, Oven-Baked Frito Pie, Hazelnut (Nutella) CrescentRolls, Nacho Pie, Bananas Foster French Toast, Italian SausageSpinach Pie, Pineapple Casserole, etc.; • Yummy recipes of pizza inthe oven; • Cooking Recipes of baked ratatouille; • ZucchiniCasserole; • Creamy Burrito Casserole; • Cream Cheese ChickenEnchiladas; • Homemade Recipes of Chocolate Orange Cupcakes; •Doughnuts; • Peanut Butter Cookies; • Cooking Recipes of WhiteChocolate Brownies; • Quiche Lorraine; • Homemade Lemon Curd; •Spareribs Chinese; • Homemade Recipes of Balsamic Glazed Salmon; •Easy Recipes of casseroles and cheesecakes in the oven; • Quickrecipes of breakfast omelets in the oven; • Recipes of simple andquick cakes in the oven and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Breakfast Recipes 6.19
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free breakfast recipes: main dishes forbreakfast, easy recipes eggs for breakfast, baked breakfasthomemade recipes, casserole for breakfast, tasty recipes salads forbreakfast and a lot of other breakfast recipes. Recipe app worksoffline. All easy breakfast recipes with photo and simple anddetailed instructions. You can choose your liked recipes and keepin your favorites. You also can make a shopping list. Add thedesired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list. Theapplication does not require the Internet and your favorite recipeswill always be with you, even when you have no network on yourdevice! All breakfast recipes are divided into the categories foreasy use. All recipes are presented with photos for quicklyselection. You can find a recipe for your mood! The application hassimple search. You can search recipes by the name or ingredients.Fast breakfast recipes using ingredients you already have in thekitchen. The majority of recipes we offer can be both prepared andcooked in 30 minutes or less, from start to finish. We offer to youlot recipes of: • Delicious main dishes recipes for breakfast:Crockpot Breakfast Omelette, Bundt Cake Breakfast, Ham & FetaCheese Omelet, Ricotta Stuffed Asparagus Tomato Omelet, RadishBreakfast Hashbrowns, Bacon and Cheese Pull, Veggie Ham & EggBake, Bacon, Egg, and Toast Cups, Breakfast Cupcakes, BreakfastWraps, Hash Brown Egg Nests-Betty Crocker recipe, Apple and BaconFritters in Caramel Sauce recipe, Butternut Squash, Arugula andBacon Quiche Recipe, Sausage & Cream Cheese Crescents, SavoryEgg Slice, Veggie Ricotta Fritata, Bacon Gravy, Easy BreakfastCheese Danish, etc.; • Easy recipes of breakfast casseroles:Breakfast Casserole in the Crock Pot, recipe of Slow Cooker SausageBreakfast Casserole, Grits Casserole, Tortilla and SausageBreakfast Casserole recipe, Loaded Breakfast Casserole, Sausage,Egg and Biscuits Casserole, Biscuits & Gravy Casserole, CowpokeCasserole, etc.; • A lot of cooking recipes of pancakes and muffinsfor breakfast: French Toast Bake, Pumpkin Pancakes, Blueberry CreamCheese French Toast Roll Up, Frozen Yougurt Breakfast Bars, PumpkinDelight Muffins, Pumpkin Streusel Coffee Cake Muffins, BlueberryMuffins-Chefmick, Apple Pancakes, Fresh Strawberry Muffins,Bisquick Cinnamon Rolls, Apple Cinnamon Rolls with Maple Icing,French Toast Breakfast Muffins, Breakfast Cupcakes, etc.; • Chicken& Waffle Dumplings; • Strawberry and Spinach Salad; • CheesePotato & Smoked Sausage Casserole; • Crock Pot Maple Nuts; •Masala Egg Fry; • Mini Chicken Salad Sandwiches Easy Recipe; •Bruschetta with Tomato & Avocado; • Spicy Fish Tacos; • Paneerki Tikki Recipe; • Baked Cranberry and Apple Treat; • PopcornChicken; • Stuffed French Bread Homemade Recipe; • Shrimp Fajitas;• Oven Roasted Strawberry Jam; • Five-Minute Carrot Cake; • CrockPot Chocolate Mud Cake and much more cooking recipes! Cook withpleasure!
Easy Recipes 6.37
DIL Studio
We offer you a great collection of free easy recipes: recipes withmeat, easy poultry and fish dishes, a lot of easy garnishes, easysoup recipes, recipes of cold and hot snacks, vegetable salads,easy salads with meat and poultry, fish salad, vegetable dishes,great recipes of easy sweets and simple desserts, casserolerecipes, easy breakfast and dinner recipes and much more. Recipeapp works offline. In this app you could enjoy: • All easy recipeswith photo and simple detailed instructions • All free easy recipesare divided into the categories • Simple searching in the app bythe name or by the ingredients • You can choose the recipes youliked and keep them in your favorites. You can save cooked recipes• You can use a shopping list. Just add the desired productdirectly from the recipe to the shopping list • You can share yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback about otherrecipes • There is a table of caloricity • Recipe app works offlineand your favorite recipes will always be with you, even when youhave no Internet connection! We offer to you lot recipes of: •Delicious easy chicken recipes: Chicken Tikka, Chicken Karahi,Chickpeas and Spinach Curry, Crispy Fried Chicken, SucculentChicken Goujons, Chicken Pasties, Low Carb Mexi Baked Chicken,Salsa Chicken, Oven Fried Chicken, Slow Cooker Orange Chicken, EasyCrockpot Chicken Fajitas, Sweet Hawaiian Crockpot Chicken Recipe,Parmesan Baked Chicken Tenders, Crockpot Roasted Chicken, PoppySeed Chicken, etc.; • Recipes of easy meat dish: recipe of TacoMeatloaf, "Mini Meatloaves" Recipe, recipe of Cheesy EnchiladaMeatballs, Hamburger Stew, recipe of Parmesan Baked Pork Chops,Easy Pizza Pasta Casserole, French Onion Burgers, Garlic &Honey Pork Chops, Taco Bake, etc.; • A lot of recipes of easysnacks and salads: recipe of Rice Salad, Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe,Cauliflower Salad, Simple Tomato and Avocado Salad, recipe SimpleCrab Cakes, Pizza Quiche, Slow Cooker Cabbage Rolls, Creamy FruitSalad, recipe of Ham and Swiss Hawaiian Rolls, Watergate Salad,recipe of Shrimp Cakes, recipe of Low Carb Pancake Crepes, TaterTot Casserole, etc.; • Ice Cream Cake; • Healthy Channa Chaat; •Gol gappy (Pani puri); • Chatni (Khatai); • Homemade Qulfa; •Midweek, Hassle Free Dinner; • Chilli Mayo Dip; • Broccoli CheeseSoup Recipe; • Cloud Bread; • Loaded Cauliflower; • WatermelonBreeze; • Easy Breakfast Casserole; • Blackberry Dumplings; •Creamy Rice Pudding; • Low Carb Mexican Spinach Lasagna; • CrockpotBalsamic Tenderloin; • Pasta Fagioli and much more! Cook withpleasure!
Slow Cooker Recipes 6.19
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of Slow Cooker beef recipes, slow cookermeat, slow cooker fish recipes, slow cooker chicken recipes, slowcooker casserole recipes, slow cooker soup recipes, slow cookerbreakfast recipes, slow cooker dinner ideas, slow cooker pastarecipes, slow cooker cake recipes and other slow cooker recipes!Recipe app works offline. All Slow Cooker chicken and beef recipeswith photo and simple detailed instructions. You can choose yourliked recipes and keep them in your favorites. You also can use ashopping list. Just add the desired product directly from therecipe to the shopping list. In this application you can share yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback about otherrecipes! The application does not require the Internet and yourfavorite recipes will always be with you, even when you have notInternet connection! All Slow Cooker recipes are divided into thecategories for easy use. You can find a recipe for your mood! Thereis simple searching in the app by the name or by the ingredients.Easy recipes using ingredients you already have in the kitchen. Inthe application: • Delicious meat dishes in the slow cooker: beefrecipes in the slow cooker, pork recipes in the slow cooker,chicken recipes in the slow cooker, fish recipes in the slowcooker, Gumbo, Parmesan Honey Pork Roast, Salisbury Steak, UltimateSuper Easy Beef and Noodles, The Greatest Queso That Ever Lived,Ranch Pork Chops, Pepper Steak, Slow Cooked Beef Stew, Sweet &Sour Meatballs, Slow Cooker Pork Tenderloin, etc.; • Tasty recipesof chicken dishes: chicken recipes with apples and cucumbers,chicken recipes with vegetables, chicken with rice recipes, chickencasserole recipes, chicken snack recipes, General Tsos Chicken,Brown Sugar Glazed Pulled Chicken, Sweet Baby Ray's CrockpotChicken, Pot Buffalo Ranch Pulled Chicken, Balsamic Chicken,Chicken Gravy, Orange Chicken, Honey Sesame Chicken, Sweet GarlicChicken, Chicken Taco Chili, Cashew Chicken, etc.; • A lot of souprecipes: chicken soup recipes in the slow cooker, meat soup recipesin the slow cooker, fish soup recipes in the slow cooker, cheesesoup recipes in the slow cooker, sweet soup recipes in the slowcooker, soup recipes with broccoli, Velveeta Broccoli & CheeseSoup, Chicken Tortilla Soup, Potato Soup, Potato Soup for WeightWatchers, Chicken Enchilada Soup, Olive Garden Pasta Soup, Carrotand Coriander Soup, Tomato Soup, etc.; • Delicious tasty fishrecipes in the slow cooker; • Yummy casserole recipes in the slowcooker; • Easy recipes of slow cooker, desserts; • Easy recipes ofChicken Enchiladas; • Italian Spaghetti Meat Sauce; • HomestylePotatoes with Garlic and Rosemary; • Homemade recipe of Beefed-UpEnchiladas; • Chicken Fajitas; • Cooking recipe of Bean &Potato Soup; • Super Veggie Lasagna; • Cooking recipe of ChocolateBread Pudding with Caramel Sauce; • White Bean & Chicken Chili;• Homemade recipe of Turkey Lasagna Soup; • Easy recipes of pastain the slow cooker; • Recipes of pancakes in the slow cooker; •Recipes of breakfasts in the slow cooker; • Recipes of omelettes inthe slow cooker and more! Cook with pleasure!
Canning Recipes 6.35
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free canning recipes: tasty canning salsa,recipes of canning tomatoes, delicious jam recipes, tasty canningtuna, pickled peppers, canning cucumber recipes, strawberry jam andothers dumpling recipes for you. Recipe app works offline. In thisapp you could enjoy: • All canning recipes with photo and simpledetailed instructions • All free canning recipes are divided intothe categories • Simple searching in the app by the name or by theingredients • You can choose the recipes you liked and keep them inyour favorites. You can save cooked recipes • You can use ashopping list. Just add the desired product directly from therecipe to the shopping list • You can share your own deliciousrecipes and you can leave feedback about other recipes • There is atable of caloricity • Recipe app works offline and your favoriterecipes will always be with you, even when you have no Internetconnection! We offer to you lot recipes of: • Delicious canningrecipes: Pickled Okra, Sour Pickles, Sweet Pepper Relish, PickledPeppers Rings, Dilled Green Beans, Sweet Pickled Cauliflower,Cucumber Salad in a Jar, Authentic Amish Refrigerator Pickles,Jalapeno Pepper Jelly, Pickled Peppers, Cucumber Kim Chi, DillRelish recipe, Sauerkraut Relish recipe, Refrigerator Pickles,Pickled Vegetables, Easy & Healthy Chunky Salsa, CarrotPickles, Pickled Green Beans with Dill and Garlic, Sweet and SpicyZucchini Pickles, etc.; • Recipes of jam and sweet canning: recipeof Grannies Easy Jammy, Pineapple Banana Jam Recipe, recipe ofPineapple-Jalapeno Jelly, Pear Relish, recipe of HomemadeStrawberry Jam, Peach Fat Zapper, Peach Pepper Jelly recipe,Jalapeno Jelly Habernaro Marmalade, Pear Honey, WatermelonPreserves, Homemade Applesauce, etc.; • A lot of recipes of sauceand dip in cans: Recipe of Hot Cowboy Dip, Honey Mustard Dip,Herbed Buttermilk Dressing, Jerk Ketchup, Spice Ketchup, CurryKetchup, Spicy Peanut Ketchup, Bloody Mary Ketchup, Sun-DriedTomato Ketchup etc.; • Mexican Garden Mix; • Vegetable Soup; • ChaCha; • Green Tomato Chow Chow; • Sweet and Spicy Zucchini Pickles;• Sweet and Spicy Pickles; • Pickled Green Beans with Dill andGarlic; • Fire & Ice Pickles; • Spicy Dill Quick Pickles; •Icebox Pickles; • Squash Relish; • Mondo Hot and Spicy PeppersPickles; • Homemade Canned Pizza Sauce; • Tangy Spaghetti Sauce forCanning; • Dark and Spicy Eggs; • Red Beet Eggs and much more! Cookwith pleasure!
Diet Recipes 6.119
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of tasty diet recipes: low carb chicken, meatand fish, diet soup recipes, low-fat appetizers and lunch, easydiet dessert recipes and much more. In this app you could enjoy: •All diet recipes with photo and simple detailed instructions • Allfree diet recipes are divided into categories for easy use • Simplesearching in the app by the name or by the ingredients • You canchoose the recipes you liked and keep them in your favorites. Youcan save cooked recipes • You can use a shopping list. Just add thedesired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list • Youcan share your own delicious recipes and you can leave feedbackabout other recipes • There is a table of caloricity • Recipe appworks offline and your favorite recipes will always be with you,even when you have no Internet connection! There are a big quantityof diet low carb appetizers recipes, diet salads, easy low carbmeat and fish recipes, tasty diet soup recipes, delicious dietsnack recipes, homemade low carb pie and cake recipes, diet dessertrecipes, low carb cookie and other diet low carb recipes, etc. Weoffer to you: • Delicious diet appetizer and salad recipes: diet NoCrust Sweet Potato Pie, Cauliflower Egg Salad, Diabetic SpecialSeven Layer Salad, Spinach Salad with Roasted Chicken, Asparagus& Tomato Salad, Seven Layer Salad, Chicken Avocado Salad LowCarb, Gluten Free diet Greek Salad, Hot Smoked Salmon Salad,Mediterranean Quinoa Salad, Courgette and Carrot Salad, ChickenCaesar Salad, Southwest Chicken Salad, Zucchini Pan Cakes, Low CarbBuffalo Cauliflower Bites, diet Baked Zucchini, Perfect for LowCarb Salad Chicken, Layer Pizza Dip, Cauliflower Patties, PizzaChicken Low Carb, Shepherd's Pie (Low Carb), Low Carb Deep DishPizza, Baked Parmesan Tomatoes, Easy Crockpot Chicken Fajitas, etc.• Tasty recipes of diet main dishes: diet recipe of Spicy SausageStuffed Monterey Mushrooms, Chicken Cacciatore, low carb UnstuffedCabbage Rolls, Spinach and Mushroom Smothered Chicken, Primal TwiceBaked Cauliflower, diet recipe of Sauteed Zucchini, CaliforniaChicken Casserole, Cabbage, Bacon and Peppers, Lasagna StyleSpaghetti Squash, Skillet-braised Brussell Sprouts with Bacon &Onions, diet recipe of Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Bacon andParmesan, Cheesy Bacon Wrapped Chicken Tenders, Zucchini Boats,Broccoli-Cauliflower Toss, diet recipe of Fried Cabbage withSausage, Cabbage and Ground Beef Skillet, Low Carb Mexi BakedChicken, Hasselback Chicken, Roasted Garlic Mushrooms, Cabbage RollSkillet, low carb recipe of Chicken and Broccoli Cheesy Casserole,Ginger Me up Chicken, Brussel Sprouts with Bacon and Mushrooms,Best Beef and Broccoli, etc. •Diet recipes of soups for healthydays: low carb recipe of Carrot and Corriander Soup, diet recipe ofCreamy Sweet Potato and Cauliflower Soup, Broccoli & StiltonSoup, Ham and Split Pea Soup, Butternut Squash Soup, Tortilla Soup,diet recipe of Spicy Asparagus Soup, low carb recipe of SpicyPumpkin Soup, Carrot and Ginger Soup, Low Carb Bacon CheeseburgerSoup, Low Carb Tomato Soup, Hamburger Soup, Olive Garden Low CarbZuppa Toscana Soup, diet recipe of Egg Drop Soup, Weight WatchersBroccoli Cheese Soup, Low Carb Crock Pot Pizza Soup, Southern StyleCabbage Soup, etc. • Diet cake, pie, dessert recipes: CrèmeCaramel, Brownie Cheesecake, diet recipe of Dreamsicle Trifle,Blackberry Cake, Frosted Carrot & Nut Cake Bars, StrawberryCake, Peanut Butter Cookies, Cranberry & Walnut Cookies, AlmostZero Carbs, diet recipe of Substitute Cream Cheese, Chewy ChocolateChip Cookies, Fruit Pizza, Diabetic Apple Pie, Low Carb Lemon"Cheesecake" Bars, diet recipe of Banana Pancakes, Low-Cal, Low-FatEasy Chocolate Trifle, Weight Watcher Snickers Pie, diet recipe ofKent's Low Carb Poke Cake, Butterfinger Dessert, Low-Fat OrangeDream Cheesecake, Died and Went to Heaven Chocolate Cake, diabeticVersion, etc. Cook with pleasure!
Sauce Dip Jam Recipes 5.04
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of sauce recipes: chicken sauce, pasta sauce,tomato sauce recipes, spreads recipes, marinades and salad dressingrecipes, cheesy sauce recipes, salad sauce recipes, pizza saucerecipes, meat sauce recipes, fish sauce recipes, chicken saucerecipes, mushroom sauce recipes, cream sauce recipes and othertasty sauce recipes. Recipe app works offline. All sauce recipeswith photo and simple detailed instructions. You can choose yourliked recipes and keep them in your favorites. You also can use ashopping list. Just add the desired product directly from therecipe to the shopping list. In this application you can share yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback about otherrecipes! The application does not require the Internet and yourfavorite recipes will always be with you, even when you have notInternet connection! All sauce recipes are divided into thecategories for easy use. You can find a recipe for your mood! Thereis simple searching in the app by the name or by the ingredients.Easy recipes using ingredients you already have in the kitchen. Themajority of recipes we offer can be both prepared and cooked in 20minutes or less, from start to finish. We offer to you: • A lot ofsauce recipes: sweet sauce recipes for cakes and pies, spredsrecipes, easy recipes of marinades, cooking recipes of dressingsfor salads, mayonnaise, sauce recipe for pizza, Crab Dip,Horseradish Cream Sauce, Buffalo Chicken Dip, Tex-Mex Dip, BLT Dip,Pizza Dip, Sauce for Pasta, Easy Blender Hollandaise Sauce, OnionDip, Cannoli Dip, Do Ahead Gravy, Crab Rangoon Dip, Homemade SpicyGarlic Buffalo Sauce, Mexican Dip, Meaty Crock Pot Pasta Sauce,Cilantro Lime Dressing, Weight Watchers Jalapeno Popper Dip, Sweet& Spicy Dip, White Pizza Dip, Creamy Layered BLT Dip, etc.; •Cheese sauce recipes: cooking recipes of cream cheese sauce withmushrooms, hollandaise sauce recipes, Cheesy Spinach-Artichoke Dip,Cheesy Baked Dip, Charlestone Cheese Dip, Dip with Cheese and Milk,Creamy Bacon and Cheese Dip, The Cheese Dip Popular, etc.; •Delicious easy recipes of sweet sauces for baking: caramel saucerecipes, recipes of homemade cream, pumpkin sauce recipes, recipesof sauces with berries, Peach Butter, Heavy Cream, Pina ColadaFruit Dip, Pumpkin Pie Dip, Pie Dip, S'mores Dip, Toffee Dip, AppleMustard Marinade, Dip with Dark Brown Sugar and Vanilla, PeanutButter Sauce, Amazing Caramel Sauce, etc.; • Cooking recipes ofsauce with mushroom; • Easy recipes of sauce with onion; • HotChili Sauce; • 1 cup Mayo; • Spinach Dip; • Amish Bacon Fat SaladDressing; • Shrimp Dip; • Pizza Dip Cream; • Festive Layered Dip; •Chicken Beer Dip; • Homemade Ketchup; • Olive Garden SaladDressing; • Honey Mustard Sauce; • Tasty recipes of spreds to beerand dip to crackers and chips; • A lot of recipes sauces forsandwiches; • Simple recipes of homemade mayonnaise; • Easy recipesof salad dressings; • Quickly recipes of sauces and much more! Cookwith pleasure!
Pancake Recipes 5.01
DIL Studio
Pancake recipes: chocolate pancakes, fluffy, coconut pancakes,eggless pancakes
CrockPot and Oven Recipes 6.51
DIL Studio
Crock Pot Recipes: chicken recipes, soup recipes, meat recipes andother recipes
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DIL Studio
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